
Financial wellbeing and workplace productivity are linked, with over 40% of employees in normal circumstances believing that their quality of work is affected when they are uneasy about their finances. The recent pandemic has compounded this feeling of unease amongst employees.

97% of employed people view financial education as a valuable part of any benefit package from employers. Financial literacy around credit, interest rates and saving allow good choices to be made when finances are under pressure.

Smartr Finance are leaders in the use of cutting-edge technology to deliver fast, reliable and positive financial outcomes for employees. Working with HR and benefits teams, Smartr Finance offer employees free financial health‑checks and mortgage advice 24/7. This includes tailored support on how to manage credit profiles to obtain funding to get onto the property ladder, and obtain the best possible terms for existing mortgages.

Obtaining a competitive mortgage is stressful, complex and time consuming. smartr finance alleviate the pain points using smart technology alongside human support and financial education.

Mortgage advice services are delivered remotely to employees via telephone or online meetings with their adviser. The employer bears none of the cost, incurs no risk, and does not suffer any additional workload.

We would love to hear from you if you’re an employer who wants to keep their employees engaged by alleviating financial concerns, or if you’re an employee who would like would like to refer your employer to us. You can reach us at getsmartr@smartrfinance.com, or via the contact form.